Villa borghini anagen-plus shampoo 200 ml

Villa borghini anagen-plus shampoo 200 ml

229.00 جنيها

معلومات الدواء

الإسم التجاري

Villa borghini anagen-plus shampoo 200 ml -

الإسم العلمي 

الشركات المنتجة

Villa borghini s.r.l, Spring,
Descriptionthanks to the combination of specific active ingredients, anagen-plus shampoo cleans and sanitizes very delicately all kind of hair and scalp also the most sensitive. it makes the hair shiny, soft and easy to style.used in synergy with anagen-plus solution, it effectively completes the hair loss treatment action.anagen-plus shampoo 250 mlusethe product is formulated without perfumes, colours and thickening, for this reason it is liquid in all its purity. we suggest to apply the shampoo directly on the hair. to obtain a perfect result make two washes, massage until you get a rich lather and rinse-off perfectly.
Descriptionthanks to the combination of specific active ingredients, anagen-plus shampoo cleans and sanitizes very delicately all kind of hair and scalp also the most sensitive. it makes the hair shiny, soft and easy to style.used in synergy with anagen-plus solution, it effectively completes the hair loss treatment action.anagen-plus shampoo 250 mlusethe product is formulated without perfumes, colours and thickening, for this reason it is liquid in all its purity. we suggest to apply the shampoo directly on the hair. to obtain a perfect result make two washes, massage until you get a rich lather and rinse-off perfectly.

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