Cystinol 425mg 20 caps
10.50 جنيها
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Cystinol 425mg 20 caps -الإسم العلمي
Solidago virgaureaالشركات المنتجة
Atos pharma,Properties and actions:cystinol promotes the excretion of water more than electrolytes by increasing renal blood flow. this aquaretic effect facilitates the washout of bacteria from the urinary tract, prevents crystal formation and hence kidney stones. cystinol inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandinic acid metabolites and therefore has an anti-inflammatory effect. the flavonoid content of cystinol also has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and immunomodulatory properties. this anti-inflammatory effect supports urinary tract healing after passage of stones. cystinol has an analgesic effect because it binds pain receptors. the mild spasmolytic effect of cystinol relaxes contracted smooth muscles and thus relieves the pain associated with inflammation and stones. the saponin content of cystinol provides anti-infective properties through non specific immunostimulation while the ester-saponin exerts an anti-fungal effect against candida albicans and other candida species.
Properties and actions:cystinol promotes the excretion of water more than electrolytes by increasing renal blood flow. this aquaretic effect facilitates the washout of bacteria from the urinary tract, prevents crystal formation and hence kidney stones. cystinol inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandinic acid metabolites and therefore has an anti-inflammatory effect. the flavonoid content of cystinol also has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and immunomodulatory properties. this anti-inflammatory effect supports urinary tract healing after passage of stones. cystinol has an analgesic effect because it binds pain receptors. the mild spasmolytic effect of cystinol relaxes contracted smooth muscles and thus relieves the pain associated with inflammation and stones. the saponin content of cystinol provides anti-infective properties through non specific immunostimulation while the ester-saponin exerts an anti-fungal effect against candida albicans and other candida species.
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