Laxeol pi 5mg 20 tab

Laxeol pi 5mg 20 tab

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Laxeol pi 5mg 20 tab -

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Sodium picosulphate

الشركات المنتجة

Horus for pharmaceutical products,
About sodium picosulphatea locally acting bowel preparation, a stimulant laxative.mechanism of action of sodium picosulphatesodium picosulphate is a stimulant laxative. after oral administration it is activated by the bacteria present in the large intestine. it then stimulates nerve endings in the intestinal wall. stimulation of nerves contracts the muscles in the intestine and rectum with more force (peristalsis) and the bowel can be emptied, and hence relieves constipation. sodium picosulphate is also used to stimulate the emptying of the bowel before surgery, childbirth or medical investigation of the gut.indications for sodium picosulphate1. emptying the bowel prior to surgery, childbirth or radiological investigation of the gut. 2. short term management of constipation. interactions for sodium picosulphatesodium picosulphate is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine so it is possible that patients taking broad spectrum antibiotics may experience some loss
About sodium picosulphatea locally acting bowel preparation, a stimulant laxative.mechanism of action of sodium picosulphatesodium picosulphate is a stimulant laxative. after oral administration it is activated by the bacteria present in the large intestine. it then stimulates nerve endings in the intestinal wall. stimulation of nerves contracts the muscles in the intestine and rectum with more force (peristalsis) and the bowel can be emptied, and hence relieves constipation. sodium picosulphate is also used to stimulate the emptying of the bowel before surgery, childbirth or medical investigation of the gut.indications for sodium picosulphate1. emptying the bowel prior to surgery, childbirth or radiological investigation of the gut. 2. short term management of constipation. interactions for sodium picosulphatesodium picosulphate is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine so it is possible that patients taking broad spectrum antibiotics may experience some loss

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