Fenoprofen 300mg 30 caps
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Fenoprofen 300mg 30 caps -الإسم العلمي
Fenoprofenالشركات المنتجة
Western pharmaceuticals industries,Description an anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic highly bound to plasma proteins. it is pharmacologically similar to aspirin, but causes less gastrointestinal bleeding.indication for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. also for the relief of mild to moderate pain.mechanism of actionfenoprofen s exact mode of action is unknown, but it is thought that prostaglandin synthetase inhibition is involved. fenoprofen has been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthetase isolated from bovine seminal vesicles.
Description an anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic highly bound to plasma proteins. it is pharmacologically similar to aspirin, but causes less gastrointestinal bleeding.indication for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. also for the relief of mild to moderate pain.mechanism of actionfenoprofen s exact mode of action is unknown, but it is thought that prostaglandin synthetase inhibition is involved. fenoprofen has been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthetase isolated from bovine seminal vesicles.
تنبيه بخصوص المعلومات المتوفرة علي موقع دليل الدواء
بينما نعمل دائما علي تنقيح وتحسين البيانات المعروضة علي موقعنا إلا أننا ننصح دائما بعدم تعاطي أي دواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب المختص، ولا يتحمل الموقع أي مسئولية ناتجة عن سوء استخدام الأدوية بدون استشارة المختص، في حال وجدت أي بيانات خاطئة أو سعر دواء غير صحيح برجاء الإتصال بنا لتصحيحه.
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