Glucagen 1mg/ml vial

Glucagen 1mg/ml vial

90.00 جنيها

معلومات الدواء

الإسم التجاري

Glucagen 1mg/ml vial -

الإسم العلمي 

About glucagonpancreatic hormone, anti hypoglycemic, anti hypoglycemic, antidote,in insulin coma, diagnostic agent.mechanism of action of glucagonglucagon exerts it`s therapeutic action by acting through its own receptor and coupling gs protein activates adenylyl cyclase and increases cyclic amp in liver, heart, adipose tissue, and other tissues. it causes hyperglycaemia primarily by enhancing gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. it improves glucose supply to the injured tissue. it also increases the force and rate of cardiac contraction and also has a relaxant action on gut and inhibits gastric acid production.indications for glucagon1. hypoglycaemia 2. cardiogenic shock 3. x-ray examination of gut, biliary colic, and diverticulitis 4. diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. interactions for glucagonoral anticoagulants : efficacy of anticoagulants increased- bleeding possible. this occurs after several days of therapy and appears to be dose related. adjust dose of oral antic
About glucagonpancreatic hormone, anti hypoglycemic, anti hypoglycemic, antidote,in insulin coma, diagnostic agent.mechanism of action of glucagonglucagon exerts it`s therapeutic action by acting through its own receptor and coupling gs protein activates adenylyl cyclase and increases cyclic amp in liver, heart, adipose tissue, and other tissues. it causes hyperglycaemia primarily by enhancing gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. it improves glucose supply to the injured tissue. it also increases the force and rate of cardiac contraction and also has a relaxant action on gut and inhibits gastric acid production.indications for glucagon1. hypoglycaemia 2. cardiogenic shock 3. x-ray examination of gut, biliary colic, and diverticulitis 4. diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. interactions for glucagonoral anticoagulants : efficacy of anticoagulants increased- bleeding possible. this occurs after several days of therapy and appears to be dose related. adjust dose of oral antic

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