Colomint 24 caps
5.50 جنيها
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الإسم التجاري
Colomint 24 caps -الإسم العلمي
Peppermint oilالشركات المنتجة
Pharco,Colomint capsules contain peppermint oil which is highly effective providing prompt antispasmodic and antiflatulent effects. being enteric coated, colomint capsules pass unaffected through the stomach down to the intestinal lumen where they disintegrate and release their contents of peppermint oil causing relaxation of intestinal smooth muscles particularly those of the colon. the antiflatulent effect of colomint capsules is secondary to this anti-spasmodic action with the result of a rapid relief of symptoms such as abdominal pain and distension. indications:for irritable colon, intestinal colic and flatulence. - irritable colon syndrome and enterocolitis. - intestinal colic. - digestive disturbances associated with excessive gas formation, cramps and spasms.dosage: one or two capsules, three times daily before meals, or as directed by the physician
Colomint capsules contain peppermint oil which is highly effective providing prompt antispasmodic and antiflatulent effects. being enteric coated, colomint capsules pass unaffected through the stomach down to the intestinal lumen where they disintegrate and release their contents of peppermint oil causing relaxation of intestinal smooth muscles particularly those of the colon. the antiflatulent effect of colomint capsules is secondary to this anti-spasmodic action with the result of a rapid relief of symptoms such as abdominal pain and distension. indications:for irritable colon, intestinal colic and flatulence. - irritable colon syndrome and enterocolitis. - intestinal colic. - digestive disturbances associated with excessive gas formation, cramps and spasms.dosage: one or two capsules, three times daily before meals, or as directed by the physician
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