سيرفيتام ٢٠ كبسولة
31.50 جنيها
معلومات الدواء
الإسم التجاري
Cervitam 20 caps - سيرفيتام ٢٠ كبسولةالإسم العلمي
Piracetam+vincamineالشركات المنتجة
Egyphar,Piracetam: it is neotropic, known as intelligence booster. it facilitates the oxygen supply to the brain and enhances communication between the left and right parts of the brain. it also enhances the memory.vincamine: it has been proven that it is very effective in increasing concentration and attention. it is vasodilator, it increases blood flow and circulation specially in cases of cerebral insufficiency of various types. more and above vincamine has very low toxicity, as it is an extract of plant origin.indications:-symptomatic improvement of vertigoes.-improvement of certain symptoms of pathological intellectual deficiency of geriatrics (troubles of concentration, memory ...... etc.).-treatment of constituted cerebral infarction.-complementary treatment to remedy symptoms of pathologic cognitive deficiency and chronic neurosensorial for geriatrics (excluding alzheimer and other mental disturbances).
Piracetam: it is neotropic, known as intelligence booster. it facilitates the oxygen supply to the brain and enhances communication between the left and right parts of the brain. it also enhances the memory.vincamine: it has been proven that it is very effective in increasing concentration and attention. it is vasodilator, it increases blood flow and circulation specially in cases of cerebral insufficiency of various types. more and above vincamine has very low toxicity, as it is an extract of plant origin.indications:-symptomatic improvement of vertigoes.-improvement of certain symptoms of pathological intellectual deficiency of geriatrics (troubles of concentration, memory ...... etc.).-treatment of constituted cerebral infarction.-complementary treatment to remedy symptoms of pathologic cognitive deficiency and chronic neurosensorial for geriatrics (excluding alzheimer and other mental disturbances).
تنبيه بخصوص المعلومات المتوفرة علي موقع دليل الدواء
بينما نعمل دائما علي تنقيح وتحسين البيانات المعروضة علي موقعنا إلا أننا ننصح دائما بعدم تعاطي أي دواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب المختص، ولا يتحمل الموقع أي مسئولية ناتجة عن سوء استخدام الأدوية بدون استشارة المختص، في حال وجدت أي بيانات خاطئة أو سعر دواء غير صحيح برجاء الإتصال بنا لتصحيحه.
41 دواء
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