Almotrip forte 12.5mg 2 f.c. tabs

Almotrip forte 12.5mg 2 f.c. tabs

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Almotrip forte 12.5mg 2 f.c. tabs -

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الشركات المنتجة

European egyptian pharm. ind.,
Indication for the treatment of acute migraine headache in adultspharmacodynamics almotriptan is a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype agonist indicated for the acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura in adults. almotriptan is not intended for the prophylactic therapy of migraine or for use in the management of hemiplegic or basilar migraine. almotriptan is an agonist for a vascular 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype (probably a member of the 5-ht1d family) having only a weak affinity for 5-ht1a, 5-ht5a, and 5-ht7 receptors and no significant affinity or pharmacological activity at 5-ht2, 5-ht3 or 5-ht4 receptor subtypes or at alpha1-, alpha2-, or beta-adrenergic, dopamine1,- dopamine2- muscarinic, or benzodiazepine receptors. this action in humans correlates with the relief of migraine headache. in addition to causing vasoconstriction, experimental data from animal studies show that almotriptan also activates 5-ht1 receptors on peripheral terminals of
Indication for the treatment of acute migraine headache in adultspharmacodynamics almotriptan is a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype agonist indicated for the acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura in adults. almotriptan is not intended for the prophylactic therapy of migraine or for use in the management of hemiplegic or basilar migraine. almotriptan is an agonist for a vascular 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype (probably a member of the 5-ht1d family) having only a weak affinity for 5-ht1a, 5-ht5a, and 5-ht7 receptors and no significant affinity or pharmacological activity at 5-ht2, 5-ht3 or 5-ht4 receptor subtypes or at alpha1-, alpha2-, or beta-adrenergic, dopamine1,- dopamine2- muscarinic, or benzodiazepine receptors. this action in humans correlates with the relief of migraine headache. in addition to causing vasoconstriction, experimental data from animal studies show that almotriptan also activates 5-ht1 receptors on peripheral terminals of

تنبيه بخصوص المعلومات المتوفرة علي موقع دليل الدواء

بينما نعمل دائما علي تنقيح وتحسين البيانات المعروضة علي موقعنا إلا أننا ننصح دائما بعدم تعاطي أي دواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب المختص، ولا يتحمل الموقع أي مسئولية ناتجة عن سوء استخدام الأدوية بدون استشارة المختص، في حال وجدت أي بيانات خاطئة أو سعر دواء غير صحيح برجاء الإتصال بنا لتصحيحه.
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