Griseovin 2.5% susp. 120ml

Griseovin 2.5% susp. 120ml

7.25 جنيها

معلومات الدواء

الإسم التجاري

Griseovin 2.5% susp. 120ml -

الإسم العلمي 


الشركات المنتجة

Delta pharma,
About griseofulvinpenicillium antibiotic,mitotic inhibitor, oral antifungal.mechanism of action of griseofulvingriseofulvin is a fungistatic drug. it disorients microtubule and inhibits mitosis especially at metaphase. it actually prevents the separation of the 2 daughter chromosomes. this results in multinucleated and stunted fungal hyphaeindications for griseofulvin1.tinea cruris 2.tinea capitis 3.tinea corporis 4.tinea barbae 5.tinea unguium 6.tinea pedis
About griseofulvinpenicillium antibiotic,mitotic inhibitor, oral antifungal.mechanism of action of griseofulvingriseofulvin is a fungistatic drug. it disorients microtubule and inhibits mitosis especially at metaphase. it actually prevents the separation of the 2 daughter chromosomes. this results in multinucleated and stunted fungal hyphaeindications for griseofulvin1.tinea cruris 2.tinea capitis 3.tinea corporis 4.tinea barbae 5.tinea unguium 6.tinea pedis

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