All-vent syrup 125ml

All-vent syrup 125ml

9.75 جنيها

معلومات الدواء

الإسم التجاري

All-vent syrup 125ml -

الإسم العلمي 


الشركات المنتجة

Indicationsexpectorants are drugs, which have been proposed to be useful in loosening and liquefying mucous in soothing irritated bronchial mucosa and in making coughs more productive. azmaril is recommended for clinical relief of cough associated with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema and other bronchopulmonary disorders where bronchospasm, mucus plugging and problems of expectoration co-exist.cough associated with acute and chronic bronhitis, emphysema, active and passive smoking- pulmonary tb and other bronchospastic disorders are treated by terbutaline+guaiphenesin+bromhexine+menthol.dosage and administrationadults: 10-20 ml children below 6 yrs: 5 mls6-12 yrs: 10 mlfor all: thrice in daycontraindicationsterbutaline+guaiphenesin+bromhexine+menthol syrup is contraindicated with known hypersensitivity to any component of the syrup.
Indicationsexpectorants are drugs, which have been proposed to be useful in loosening and liquefying mucous in soothing irritated bronchial mucosa and in making coughs more productive. azmaril is recommended for clinical relief of cough associated with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema and other bronchopulmonary disorders where bronchospasm, mucus plugging and problems of expectoration co-exist.cough associated with acute and chronic bronhitis, emphysema, active and passive smoking- pulmonary tb and other bronchospastic disorders are treated by terbutaline+guaiphenesin+bromhexine+menthol.dosage and administrationadults: 10-20 ml children below 6 yrs: 5 mls6-12 yrs: 10 mlfor all: thrice in daycontraindicationsterbutaline+guaiphenesin+bromhexine+menthol syrup is contraindicated with known hypersensitivity to any component of the syrup.

تنبيه بخصوص المعلومات المتوفرة علي موقع دليل الدواء

بينما نعمل دائما علي تنقيح وتحسين البيانات المعروضة علي موقعنا إلا أننا ننصح دائما بعدم تعاطي أي دواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب المختص، ولا يتحمل الموقع أي مسئولية ناتجة عن سوء استخدام الأدوية بدون استشارة المختص، في حال وجدت أي بيانات خاطئة أو سعر دواء غير صحيح برجاء الإتصال بنا لتصحيحه.
الإبلاغ عن مشكلة


76 دواء
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