Nailner nail fungus pen 4 ml

Nailner nail fungus pen 4 ml

130.00 جنيها

معلومات الدواء

الإسم التجاري

Nailner nail fungus pen 4 ml -

الإسم العلمي 

الشركات المنتجة

Trimb healthcare, Al ansar for marketing,
Easy to use pen, proven effective against nail fungus:-treats and prevents nail fungus.-fast visible results.-protects the newly grown nail from infection.-no filing required.-clinically tested
.how to useclean the nail and remove nail varnish before each use. no filing of the nail is necessary prior to use. apply twice daily for the first four weeks of use. apply once daily thereafter until the healthy looking nail has replaced the damaged nail. the solution must be applied to the entire surface of the nail including the underside of the front most edge. it is not necessary to apply added pressure during application. re-cap the pen tightly after each use. pen contains sufficient solution for approximately 400 applications.
nailner pen can also be used preventatively. apply nailner pen one times daily to help prevent fungal infection of the nails.
Easy to use pen, proven effective against nail fungus:-treats and prevents nail fungus.-fast visible results.-protects the newly grown nail from infection.-no filing required.-clinically tested
.how to useclean the nail and remove nail varnish before each use. no filing of the nail is necessary prior to use. apply twice daily for the first four weeks of use. apply once daily thereafter until the healthy looking nail has replaced the damaged nail. the solution must be applied to the entire surface of the nail including the underside of the front most edge. it is not necessary to apply added pressure during application. re-cap the pen tightly after each use. pen contains sufficient solution for approximately 400 applications.
nailner pen can also be used preventatively. apply nailner pen one times daily to help prevent fungal infection of the nails.

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بينما نعمل دائما علي تنقيح وتحسين البيانات المعروضة علي موقعنا إلا أننا ننصح دائما بعدم تعاطي أي دواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب المختص، ولا يتحمل الموقع أي مسئولية ناتجة عن سوء استخدام الأدوية بدون استشارة المختص، في حال وجدت أي بيانات خاطئة أو سعر دواء غير صحيح برجاء الإتصال بنا لتصحيحه.
الإبلاغ عن مشكلة


6 دواء
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