Sucrofilmpan 1gm/5ml oral susp. 120ml

Sucrofilmpan 1gm/5ml oral susp. 120ml

8.00 جنيها

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الإسم التجاري

Sucrofilmpan 1gm/5ml oral susp. 120ml -

الإسم العلمي 


الشركات المنتجة

Panax pharma,
About sucralfatepepsin inhibitor, anti-secretory, gastrointestinal agent, antiulcer.mechanism of action of sucralfatesucralfate is a complex of sucrose, sulfate and aluminium hydroxide. in the stomach (ph<4) sucralfate undergoes polymerization and form viscous sticky polymers that adhere to the surface of ulcers and coat the ulcer. it also protects the ulcer surface from further injury by inhibiting the enzyme pepsin which hydrolysis mucosal proteins. sucralfate increases the production of prostaglandins and protect the lining of the stomach. it also binds to the epithelial growth factor and fibroblast factor and repair the mechanism of stomach lining.
About sucralfatepepsin inhibitor, anti-secretory, gastrointestinal agent, antiulcer.mechanism of action of sucralfatesucralfate is a complex of sucrose, sulfate and aluminium hydroxide. in the stomach (ph<4) sucralfate undergoes polymerization and form viscous sticky polymers that adhere to the surface of ulcers and coat the ulcer. it also protects the ulcer surface from further injury by inhibiting the enzyme pepsin which hydrolysis mucosal proteins. sucralfate increases the production of prostaglandins and protect the lining of the stomach. it also binds to the epithelial growth factor and fibroblast factor and repair the mechanism of stomach lining.

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