Bromocriptine 2.5mg 30 tab

Bromocriptine 2.5mg 30 tab

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Bromocriptine 2.5mg 30 tab -

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الشركات المنتجة

October pharma,
About bromocriptinedopamine agonist, ergot- alkaloid, anti parkinsonsm, hypoprolactinemic.mechanism of action of bromocriptinebromocriptine is a dopaminergic agonist. it acts as a potent agonist on d2 receptor and partial agonist or antagonist on d1 receptor. bromocriptine produces a decrease in dopamine turnover with increase in dopamine content of the brain and decreases the metabolism of dopamine. the increase in dopamine concentration produces effect in parkinson`s disease. since dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain it can produces various motor, behavioural and endocrine effects.hormonal action: bromocriptine inhibits synthesis and release of prolactin from pituitary lactotrope cell by acting as a d2 agonist. indications for bromocriptine1.parkinson`s disease 2.amenorrhea and galactorrhea associated with hyperprolactinemia 3.acromegaly 4.hepatic encephalopathy 5.premenstrual syndrome 6.cushing`s syndrome 7.suppression of established lactation.
About bromocriptinedopamine agonist, ergot- alkaloid, anti parkinsonsm, hypoprolactinemic.mechanism of action of bromocriptinebromocriptine is a dopaminergic agonist. it acts as a potent agonist on d2 receptor and partial agonist or antagonist on d1 receptor. bromocriptine produces a decrease in dopamine turnover with increase in dopamine content of the brain and decreases the metabolism of dopamine. the increase in dopamine concentration produces effect in parkinson`s disease. since dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain it can produces various motor, behavioural and endocrine effects.hormonal action: bromocriptine inhibits synthesis and release of prolactin from pituitary lactotrope cell by acting as a d2 agonist. indications for bromocriptine1.parkinson`s disease 2.amenorrhea and galactorrhea associated with hyperprolactinemia 3.acromegaly 4.hepatic encephalopathy 5.premenstrual syndrome 6.cushing`s syndrome 7.suppression of established lactation.

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